Electronics and Information Technology
Henry Hughes IP has wide ranging expertise in the area of electronics and information technology for both domestic and international clients. We have acted for local and multinational technology companies as well as for universities and software developers.
We advise clients in the technology industry on the full range of intellectual property matters in Australia and New Zealand, including the patentability of computer software, trade mark clearance searches and filing strategies, and border protection measures against the importation of counterfeit goods.
What we can do for you
We can provide advice on patentability as well as design and trade mark registrability on electronic and information technology innovations including advice on patentability and copyright in computer software.
If appropriate we can assist you with preparation and filing of patent, design and trade mark applications in Australia, New Zealand and overseas and with associated intellectual property filing strategies.
If necessary, we can provide assistance with the enforcement of your intellectual property rights, from border protection and cease and desist letters, through to court proceedings in the High Court and beyond (through our associated law firm Henry Hughes Law).