Latest News & Articles

  • 4 September 2024

    IPAustralia has just completed its four-yearly fee review, with changes to come into effect from 1 October 2024. While the majority of the changes are fairly straightforward and customary, a change to the way excess claim fees for patent applications are charged presents a new consideration for patent applicants and their advisors in Australia.

  • 13 August 2024

    In the patent sphere, while the law on inventorship by non-human inventors is now largely settled, the UK High Court recently caused a stir by finding an invention which was heavily reliant on an artificial neural network (ANN), patentable. This note covers the appeal of that decision and its implications.

  • 4 June 2024

    The High Court decision in Manuka Doctor Ltd v Hill considers the issue of trade mark similarity, and the pivotal consideration of distinctive versus descriptive elements in deciding whether there is a sufficient risk of deception or confusion in order to deny registration.

  • 12 March 2024

    The beginning of 2024 has showcased what we forecast for the rest of the year, with a number of awards recognising Henry Hughes and notable individuals for their work

  • 7 March 2024

     Infringement of a patent is primarily governed by Part 4, subpart 1 of the Patents Act 2013, i.e. section 140-158.  What follows in this article is a gallop through these provisions of the Act with a few detours into areas of interest.


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