Mechanical Engineering
Henry Hughes IP has been active in protecting mechanical devices since the firm was founded in 1882 by the mechanical engineer Mr Henry Hughes. One of the firm’s early clients was the New Zealand aviation pioneer Richard Pearse whose 1906 New Zealand patent describes the first known ailerons (movable flaps on the wings of an aircraft). Henry Hughes IP continues to be at the forefront of protecting mechanical systems for local and international clients.
Our team advises on the full scope of intellectual property matters in Australia and New Zealand, from patents and registered designs to copyright and trade marks. A unique feature of New Zealand’s intellectual property law is that copyright protection for a mechanical drawing extends to the making of the object in three-dimensions for 16 years after the drawing has been applied industrially in New Zealand or in any other country.
What we can do for you
We have extensive experience in advising engineering and manufacturing companies, designers and inventors on their intellectual property rights. Our specialists can provide advice on patentability and design and trade mark registrability, as well as the effect of copyright in industrial design. We also prepare and file patent, design and trade mark applications in Australia, New Zealand and overseas, and can assist with associated intellectual property filing strategies.
If the need arises we can help with the enforcement of intellectual property rights, from drafting and sending cease and desist letters, through to court proceedings in the High Court and beyond (through our associated law firm Henry Hughes Law).