Latest News & Articles

  • 21 October 2016

    It is now over five years from the publication of the Waitangi Tribunal report on WAI 262 (commonly known as the Flora and Fauna claim) in July 2011. Since that time the Patents Act 2013 has been enacted. We are also experiencing a renewed interest in bioactives research and commercialisation. There has been no formal response from the Government to the WAI 262 claim. However, it is perhaps a salient time to consider to what extent, if any, the recommendations of the Tribunal in relation to patents have been incorporated into New Zealand law.

  • 8 July 2016

    From 1 July 2016, new Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) laws apply to food sold in retail stores in Australia. However, businesses will have time to adjust over a two-year transition period, meaning that food products packaged up until 1 July 2018 can be sold without the new labels.

  • 8 July 2016

    These words can be an important marketing tool and can carry significant weight in New Zealand and beyond, particularly for some food products where a consumer may have concerns about the safety and quality of such products from a specific country of origin.


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