Latest News & Articles

  • 5 July 2022

    On 30 June 2022, New Zealand and the European Union concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement (NZ-EU FTA, the Agreement).  The Agreement requires changes to New Zealand's law regarding copyright and geographical indications. 

  • 4 July 2022

    The concept of a ‘strong’ patent is difficult to define.  As with many things in patent law the answer is “it depends”.  Mostly it depends on what the patentee wants the patent to achieve.  A patent which does not support the business goals of the patentee is not strong. 

  • 6 April 2022

     The Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and the United Kingdom (NZ-UK FTA, the Agreement) has been finalised and was signed on the 28th of February 2022. This article focuses on provisions relating to intellectual property rights.

  • 22 October 2021

     On 21 October 2021 it was announced that New Zealand and United Kingdom have come to an agreement in principle on the key elements of a free trade deal. We highlight the commitments in relation to intellectual property which are included in the agreement.


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